Pre-grading during storage is often more efficient than afterwards. Although undersized pre-grading can be easily achieved with a product cleaner, such an installation for oversized pre-grading is not sufficient. And so an increasing number of companies are opting for a Bijlsma Hercules pre-grader for oversized pre-grading. This makes it possible to store the crop with great accuracy.
Pre-graders with polyurethane spiral rollers (PU) reduce the risk of damage during pre-grading.
More informationPre-graders with star rollers (ST) sort and transport the crop by means of rubber fingers.
More informationPre-graders with diabolic rollers (DR) are an excellent option for those who want a larger adjustment range.
More informationWith a screenweb pre-grader, the crop is not constantly being turned, which is ideal for the undersize.
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